Progressions of a Daydreamer

My blog is about my growth toward success and my attempts to achieve my dreams ! My ultimate career aspirations are to become a makeup artist and a registered nurse; yes both (: It’ll contain everything from the subject of beauty to just random thoughts in my life as well as life in general. I believe that every girl and woman is beautiful in their own ways & there are always some way to enhance that beauty.

"Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now." - Goethe.

“In life, many thoughts are born in the course of a moment, an hour, a day. Some are dreams, some visions. Often, we are unable to distinguish between them. To some, they are the same; however, not all dreams are visions. Much energy is lost in fanciful dreams that never bear fruit. But visions are messages from the Great Spirit, each for a different purpose in life. Consequently, one person's vision may not be that of another. To have a vision, one must be prepared to receive it, and when it comes, to accept it. Thus when these inner urges become reality, only then can visions be fulfilled. The spiritual side of life knows everyone's heart and who to trust. How could a vision ever be given to someone to harbor if that person could not be trusted to carry it out. The message is simple: commitment precedes vision.”

- High Eagle

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Yellow, Green, & Orange Cut Crease Tutorial ; Great for Summer!

This bright look isn't too dramatic but will definitely make a statement ! With the bright colors it is great for a Summer day or by darkening the liner & adding lashes can be worn for night time wear as well (:

Thursday, October 21, 2010

White/Blue/Purple dramatic eyes

Hey everybody !!

So I'm feeling a little under the weather today, I think it's a head cold ?  But still doing makeup regardless lol, today I did a dramatic eye.  I used white, blue, purple, and black; I used different shades of blue and purple so using a palette with a couple different hues of purple and blue would probably be best for this look.  Of course if you have different shades of these colors and wanna use that, that's fine as well.  Use whatever you like!  This is just a guideline.  Also, this look is dramatic and on the dark side so I would recommend using this for a night time look if you're going out, halloween maybe, or any other occasion that you feel this is suitable.

Here is the list of makeup & tools I used.  Make sure before you begin your makeup application that you cleanse, tone, and moisturize your face !  (:

Tissues, q-tips, cotton balls, makeup remover/water
Large powder brush
Blush brush
Brow brush
Slightly domed medium size eyeshadow brush
Small eyeshadow brush
Eyeliner brush

Rimmel Fix & Perfect foundation primer 001
MAC Studio Fix foundation compact in NC42
15 Color concealer palette
Mosaic Luminous Bronzer in Glitterati
Any translucent face powder/loose powder
Milani BROW FIX Eyebrow Powder kit in Light
Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion
Avon shimmer eye pencil in white (I don't know the exact name of the color so sorry.  But it is just a regular shimmery white eye pencil; any brand will be great)
88 Color eyeshadow palette [shimmer white, sky blue, royal blue, bluish purple, purple, fushia pinkish purple, black, shimmer cream]
Avon eyeliner pencil (Black)
Liquid eyeliner (Black)
Loreal Lash Blast mascara (Black)
10 Color blush palette
Hard Candy Spotlighters All Over Highlighter palette in Brown 135
Gold tone nude lipstick (sorry I can't see the brand's name it's an old tube, but it's called Twilight Kiss)
BeautiControl lipgloss in Bubble Bath (sheer baby pink color)


Okay here are a couple of notes regarding the stuff you need above for this look -
* First line under tools regarding tissues, cotton balls, etc is just some things you may want to have on hand before you begin that way if you need it to make corrections and to wipe off your brushes you can do so without running out of the bathroom to do it... or where ever you are lol.  
* The bronzer or darker shade of foundation is needed to contour your face, if you like to do that or want to try it out.  This is where you want to know your face shape so you can do this better, check out my previous post on 10/09 titled Face Shapes.  Contouring the face is to highlight & downplay certain facial attributes to make your face more oval because thats the "ideal" face shape.  Oval is ideal just because it's more symmetrical / "perfect" I guess for lack of a better word ?  Also, contouring your face gives it a more natural look regarding color because by applying one color all over the face makes it that one color of course.  So by adding touches of bronzer here and there it gives a more natural color contrast!  Follow me ?  I hope so [;  But back to the bronzer, the bronzer listed above is actually a shimmer bronzer but when contouring your face, it's much better to use a bronzer with a matte finish because it's more natural and just looks better.  I had started using this one already when I thought "hmm, this has shimmers.. why am i using it to contour then ..?" haha and I just continued to use it since I had already started !

* If you're wondering, the Milani eyebrow powder kit is optional.  If you don't have this or don't want to buy it or something similar, just use a matte eyeshadow that matches your haircolor or eyebrow hair.  However if you are a blonde, do your eyebrows a light brown.


Goodness, let's jump into it already !  lol, sorry for the hold up guys.  

1)  After cleansing, toning, and moisturizing your face apply your face primer.  Wait about 5 minutes and you can go ahead and apply your foundation.

2)  Apply your foundation all over the face evenly until you have the desired coverage.

3)  Next, apply your concealer where needed.  For blemishes I use a concealer the same color as mine and for dark spots/under eye circles apply a concealer a shade or two light depending on how dark it is.

4)  Now for contouring, take a look at my Face Shapes post (10/09) to find out where you should contour.

5)  To finish off your face lightly apply a coat of finishing powder or translucent loose powder.

6)  Using brow brush apply the eyebrow powder to your eyebrows, don't apply too much as this will make your eyebrows look extremely dark and unnatural.

7)  Time for the eyes,  before beginning apply a small amount of your eye primer to the entire lid and lower lash line.  This is going to really hold the pigments in your eyeshadow so the color is vibrant, doesn't crease, and lasts.  Next, apply a generous line of loose powder underneath the eye to catch any fallout from the eyeshadows.  That way when you're finished you can simply brush off the powder and it won't affect your foundation, concealer, etc.

8)  First you want to use that shimmery white eye pencil and color in your hole lid below the crease.  This is just to give your eyeshadow an extra base and make the eyeshadows that are applied on top pop a little more.

8)  Now grab the smaller eyeshadow brush you have and pick up a white shimmery eye shadow and apply it to the inner third of the lid, sweeping it over the tear duct area as well to highlight.  Use a patting motion as we are mainly trying to just pack on the color.

9)  With the same brush wipe it off and dip into the sky blue color (a color similar to what is circled in orange above).  Same thing with this color pack it on until you can see the color well; apply this to the middle of your lid.  Once you are satisfied with the color intensity, grab a color similar to what is circled in red above and apply it on top of the first blue just to darken the blue.  

10)  Next apply a bluish-purple in a backwards C motion on the outer lid lightly.  You cannot see it very clearly above but it's a little similar to what is circled in green above.  For this color you want to apply it lightly as well.  Remember at this point you are not worrying about blending; strictly patting on the color so they are very visible.

11)  On the last third of the eye where you applied that last color, now you want to apply a regular purple on top of that.  Same thing, pat on the color with your brush in that backwards C motion bringing it into the crease of your eye.  The color I'm speaking of is pictured below with the orange arrow.

12)  With the fushia color (pictured above with a red arrow), apply this on the outer edge of the purple you just put on.  Also bringing it into the crease.

14)  Take a very black eyeshadow and just lightly apply it in the middle of where the purple is only very slightly bringing it into the crease.  This is just to give the purple and your eyes more depth, you are not applying this so you can distinctly see the black just to deepen the purple slightly.

13)  Next, is blending; take out your medium dome shaped e/s brush.  Using a back and forth motion go in between each set of colors.  First the white & blue, the blue & purple, above the blue & white, black with the purple, blending the purple into both colors.  Blend the colors into each other like a mini windshield wiper.  

14)  Almost done !  Take a shimmery cream color e/s and use it to blend out any harsh lines that may be on the outer edges of the purple.  

15)  Go in with the white e/s you used earlier and apply it underneath the eyebrow as a highlighter, blending it into the colors above.

16)  Touch up the white on your tear ducts then using your eyeliner brush bring the white shadow out on the first half of the lower lashline.

17)  Wipe off the liner brush and take that fushia and line the other half or two-thirds (up to you) with that color.

18)  Take your eyeliner pencil and line your entire eye, waterline & tightline with it.

19)  Liquid eyeliner time; you can wing your eyeliner if you like but I didn't I just did a regular line.  Either way would look gorgeous though !

20)  Apply 1-2 coats of mascara on your top lashes, for your lower lashes you just need one coat.

(I don't know why my right eye looks like it has no liquid eyeliner and the left one does, I think the flash washed it out or something ; sorry !)

21)  Next, smile and apply blush to the apples of your cheeks  for this look I used a dusty rose color.  

Read my post on Contouring/highlighting, and applyin blush if you havent already !  For this look I wanted to definitely go for a natural looking blush color because the eyes are dramatic enough as it is so you don't wanna draw attention to your cheeks as well, because that can really make you look like a clown.

22)  Next is highlighter, again face shape and preferences so be sure to ready my Face Shapes post !  I applied the darkest brown highlighter for this look.  Applying it to the bridge of my nose, highest points of my cheekbones, and my chin.  Be sure to blend the highlighter into the blush as well.

23)  For the lips I applied a gold tone nude lipstick all over the lips and a baby pink sheer color lipgloss on top.

Remember, the key to great makeup is BLENDING !  (o;

And that's it !!!  This was definitely a long one but doesn't it look great !?  I love this look, so pretty.  It is especially good for those with brown eyes because blue e/s enhances the brown.


I really hope you all enjoyed this, it's getting pretty late and I have an interview with ULTA tomorrow afternoon.  I am soooo exciiiittedd too ; wish me luck !!  I want this job really bad, so I only pray that God will show me favor in this opportunity because not only do I WANT it, but I really NEED this job too lol.  Welp, goodnight all !  I have to further prepare for the interview, it's a group interview so that makes me a little more nervous.  I have to really stand out , but alright nighty night.

God Bless,

♥  tiana kalei

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Weddings reminds me of fairy tale endings and new beginnings ♥

Hello All !

Sorry it's been a couple days, I've been a little busy running errands and preparing for the weekend !  Today I went to a wedding and it was so great lol.  Weddings are so beautiful, it never fails to bring a smile to my face and make my eyes water (:

Lol, if you haven't figured out I'm a bit emotional.  When I was younger I was in love with the idea of being in love !  Weddings kind of just bring that out of me.  I am already in love so it just makes me think of when my special day will be !  

Makes me think of fairy tales and new beginnings.  The wedding was two family friend's and it was great.  The reception was so funny and the two of them looked so happy and cute together.

The reception was so funny and entertaining.  My cheeks were hurting from all the smiling i did !!  

How was you all's weekend ?  I hope everyone had a great one (8 

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Skincare Products I love !

Alright, so today I'm going to talk about my face and skincare routine.  First of all, I'm going to say that I do not have perfect skin by any means, it gets oily & definitely blemish prone plus I have acne scars.  But I've been trying out some new products that I love. 

It's very important when caring for your skin that you figure out what your skin type is so you can treat it accordingly.  I have oily skin, large pores, a lot of acne scars, breakouts, etc.  So because I have all of those problems I have to treat it properly if I want to get rid of the pimples, scars, etc.

Let's just talk about general things that are important to keeping your face at its best.  A gentle cleanser, toner, moisturizer, facial scrub or exfoliant, facial mask.  When you're picking out a cleanser you don't want to use one that is too strong for your face because that can overdry it and strip your face causing your oil glands to over produce sebum (oil that the oil glands in your body produce).  Choosing a cleanser can be tricky without knowing your key problems you want to resolve and when you don't know your skin type.  If you have dry skin you probably should try a cream cleanser, If you have oily skin a gel cleanser may be a better option for you.  Cleansers vary from brand to brand so if you are having trouble picking a cleanser, try going to a couple of different skincare brands' websites such as Clean&Clear, Neutrogena, Clearasil, St. Ives, etc.

You will also want to use a facial scrub 1-3 times a week depending on your face.  Everyone's face sheds skin but because your face produces oil as well, you need to exfoliate atleast once a week !  This is very crucial because without exfoliating, the shed skin and oil will mix together and clog your pores therefore creating pimples.  When you do use an exfoliater you do not need to use a cleanser before or after because the exfoliant will also cleanse your skin.

A toner is great because it removes excess oil, dirt, and makeup that your cleanser missed.  When selecting a toner get one that caters to your needs, there are some that are great for blemishes and contains acne medicine, one that minimizes large pores, or you can buy an astringent called witch hazel.  Witch hazel is natural and has many uses but when used on your face it soothes and tightens skin, reduces inflammation of pimples and redness, and locks in moisture after you get out of the shower.

Facial masks are great to treat your face and make it feel refreshed while also making your face glow afterwards!  & who doesn't want that fresh beautiful glow.  There are different kinds of masks, this is where knowing your skin type and what you want to fix comes into play.  There are radiance masks, which are filled with vitamins to moisturize, tone, and restore your face's appearance; hydrating masks are great for people with dry skin; while clay/mud masks are great for oily skin types, extracts impurities, improves circulation, and tightens pores; peel-off masks are based from gel and close pores, smooth skin, and when peeled off removes blackheads and dead skin cells; firming masks tightens and firms the skin, these are especially for those in their 30s & 40s.  If money is tight and you can't buy a mask, their are lots of recipes for making your homemade facial masks online. 

Last but definitely not least are moisturizers.  Moisturizing your skin and neck is one of the most important things you can do for your skin, this is what will keep your skin looking younger as long as you possibly can.  It is key that you moisturize each and every time you wash and tone your face.  Getting a moisturizer that contains SPF is also important because whether it's summer, winter, or any other season UV rays can still damage your face and cause wrinkles.

Now for what I actually use on my face, I've been acne prone for a while now but I just switched to Mary Kay's Deep Cleanser Formula 3 (for oily skin) and Blemish Control Toner Formula 3.  I've been using these for less than a week and I already feel and see a difference in my skin.  They are great !  The cleanser is safe for sensitive skin, fragrance free, hypoallergenic and won't irritate your skin, and is also non-comedogenic which means it won't clog your pores.  The toner is also fragrance free, hypoallergenic, and non-comedogenic.  It contains 2% salicylic acid, great for managing acne, reducing blackheads, pimples and preventing future ones. 
The exfoliator that I use and recommend is Clean&Clear's Morning Burst Detoxifying facial scrub.  It is oil-free, oxygen infused, non-comedogenic, & deep cleans pores.  For a moisturizer I use walmart's generic brand of Olay's complete beauty lotion and works great, very moisturizing and has SPF 15. 

I don't use any masks right now but do intend on getting a couple.  There are two I have in mind right now that have great reviews; Queen Helene's Mint Julep mask and Grape Seed peel-off mask.  You can find these at beauty supplies, online, drugstores, etc. 

If you have acne scars on your face I recommend that you try a fading cream such as Ambi's fade cream.  I have to go out and buy a tube, but I have used it on my face before and it worked very well.  By the time I finished the tube most if not all of my scars were gone !  All you do is apply it to where your scars are everyday and soon enough you'll see a difference in appearance.  They have different brands of fade cream or bleaching cream but this is just one that worked for me.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Simple Look with Red Lips

Alright so I'm going to jump right in, the look that I'm doing below is more suitable probably for night time if you're going out somewhere or if you're going somewhere formal, etc.  You can easily turn to a daytime look by not adding the second color of eyeshadow to your eyes and either omitting the eyeliner or just tone it down. 

If you haven't already, reading my last post about Red Lips in general may be beneficial to you ! (o;  First I'm going to start with the list of brushes I used; these are just the types of brushes I used, you can use any kind you like.

brushes : powder brush, foundation/concealer brush, blush brush, medium sized eyeshadow brush with a slight dome to it, smaller blending eyeshadow brush, eyeliner brush.

makeupMAC Studio Fix cream-to-powder foundation NC42,
15 color concealer palette,
Purity Mineral Science finishing powder Medium,
Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion,
BeautiControl eyeshadow duo in Ice Princess (12152) (white/tan color),
Urban Decay eyeshadow in Sellout & Nylon,
Prestige Liquid Liner (felt tip) Black,
Maybelline ExpertWear in Night Sky,
Loreal Double Extend mascara (red & white tube) Black,
Victoria Secret's Mosaic Luminous Bronzer in Glitterati,
10 color blush palette,
Hard Candy Spotlighters All Over Highlighter 135 Brown palette,
Tropez lip liner nude 246-013,
Rimmel London Moisture Renew lipstick in Red Alert 900,
Mary Kay NouriShine lip gloss in Berry Sparkle.

The Look -
Tips: (1) When you grab any powder whether its foundation, eyeshadow, blush, etc. always tap off the excess to prevent fallout or heavy application !  (2) If you are using powder foundation, use a powder blush ; if you're using liquid foundation, use a creamy/liquid blush such as a mousse blush or the kind that comes in a stick.  (3) Always always alwayyys !  Start with a clean face; cleanse or exfoliate, tone, & moisturize liberally [; 

  1. Apply your foundation all over the face.
  2. Apply fleshtone concealer to under eye circles, blemishes, or scars by using your concealer brush.  I used the concealer in the 3rd row and column and the one in the 4th column 1st row.  Put onto the area just to apply it onto your face and use your finger by gently dabbing/patting blending it out 'til you don't see it anymore.  You can also roll your fingers around on your skin to help blend it out.
  3. Contour according to your face shape, you can see my post on this in my blog archive under 10/09 Face Shapes and then apply finishing powder, 

  1. Next are the eyes, apply your primer from your lashline to underneath your browbone and just below your lower lashline.  Use an eyeshadow or brow powder the same shade as your eyebrows to fill them in if you'd like.  I didn't do it in this look but will in future looks.  Use a brow brush to fill it in lightly.
  2. Use an eyeshadow that is similar to the skin on your eyelid, I used the pinkish tan color in the BeautiControl duo.  Apply on all of your lid.
  3. Next, I took a lighter shimmery brown (a matte light brown would look really good too) and applied it over the lower lid below the crease.  The color I used was Urban Decay's eyeshadow in Sellout.  After applying it on the lid bring it around and put some on your inner tear duct and line just the first half of the bottom of your lash line.  If you have eyes that are already far apart, skip this step (8
  4. Then, I applied Urban Decay's Nylon over the outer half of your lid and slightly into the crease.  Blend, blend, blend !  If you don't have this color, it's fine just use a slightly darker color with some shimmer to it.  This is just to give your eyes some depth.  Take the same color and line what hasnt been already lined on your bottom lashline by the first color.
  5. Take your liquid eye liner and press the side of the applicator tip as close to your top lashline as you can all the way to the outer edge and create a subtle cat/winged eyeliner or just line the top of your lids with a straight line.  It's all about preference and what kind of look you want. 
  6. To set the eyeliner and aid in keeping it in place take your eyeliner brush or just a brush thats kind of flat and squared out at the end like the one below.  Dip the edges into a black eyeshadow and pat it onto the line you created with your liquid eyeliner .
  7.  Now apply your mascara to you the top by curling the wand as you go.  Then apply below your lashes wiggling at the base and pulling out.  I find that applying mascara to the top and bottom of your top lashes gives them a better curl, this way you don't have to use an eyelash curler.

    8.  Now time for blush ; keep it natural.  I used the 3rd color on the bottom row of the blush palette above.  Smile, applying the color to the apple of your cheeks and blending at a slant toward the hairline again.

    9.  Grab your highlighter and using clean fingers dab it onto any areas that you want to bring attention to, this is also where reading my face shapes post from 10/09 would come in handy.  Highlighting helps to give a glowy/dewy complexion.
Almost dooonee !

1.   Next use the nude or red lipliner and outline your lips, filling them in with the pencil when done.  Filling them in are optional. 

2.   Afterwards, apply red lipstick and lipgloss if you choose according to your personal liking.
Thank you so much for reading !!

Unitl next time,


Sunday, October 10, 2010

Red Lips

Hey guys !  I hope everyone's having a great weekend.  I'm going to talk about how to get beautiful red lips without overdoing it too much. 

Let me just start out by saying I think red lips look good on any & everyone !  At first, I was slightly skeptical about trying red lipstick but once I did I really loved it.  I've only tried it out a few times and I always get compliments.  It really depends on your willingness to try something new and finding the right shade of red to match your skintone.  Unless you're super picky, red lipstick is actually pretty versatile; a lot of different shades can look good on a number of differing skintones.  Whether you're light, medium, dark or you have a pink, yellow, or red undertone - there's definitely a flattering shade (or 2 :) out there calling your name lol. 

The most flattering shade that's great for just about anyone I would say is a TRUE red shade of lipstick.  You may not think so but I encourage you to try it !  If you're really unsure of it, visit a drugstore or other retailer that will allow you to return it if you don't care for the shade.  You may need to call around to find out but I know Walgreens is one drugstore that does allow you to return cosmetics if you don't like the shade or the product itself. 

Here are some tips before you pick your new red shade and try it out for a day (; If you are "eerily" drawn to a specific shade (of any color) at the store, chances are it just may be "The One" lol just kidding.  It might not be but it'll more likely than not be a flattering color for you so you should definitely give it a go !  And when you do try it out give it time to grow on you if it's daringly different from what you're use to it's only natural that you may not love it immediately.  Give it time though, don't give up too quick, and if people you know don't like it at first they probably need more time to just get use to it as well.  And my last tip is to buy either a neutral (lip matching) lipliner or a lipliner that matches the shade of lipstick you're going to use.  You can use regular lipliner or a waterproof liner; waterproof is the best when you're wearing red lipstick because it's very effective in preventing feathering and making sure your lipstick doesn't end up on your cheeks or other areas around the mouth - talk about embarassing !  haha.  In the end though your choice of lipliner is completely up to you, after all they are your lips aren't they ? 

This Fall red lipsticks are in and beautiful if applied the right way !  Again, it's whatever works for you but the best way to apply it so that it has great staying power and no bleeding is to use a lip brush, a lipliner, your choice of red lipstick of course, finishing powder, and lip gloss.  Note: the lip brush, finishing or transclucent powder, and lip gloss are optional; you can apply it from the tube if you don't have a brush however using a brush ensures a more precise application.  If you don't have finishing powder than you can use your foundation or any type of loose/pressed facial powder to put over your lips prior to lining your lips, this will help keep your lipstick in place.  Lip gloss can be used if you like applying it over your lips or want to put some on the middle of your bottom lip, again this is all according to what you like.

1)  Line the lips with the liner and fill them in, You can line your lips just on the outer perimeter of your lips to give the illusion of bigger lips, this is especially good for those of you who don't want to use any gloss over the lipstick.  If you like how your lips are just the way they are just outline them on the lipline exactly as it is.

2)  Apply lipstick lightly to the lips with a brush or from the tube, (or you can blot the lipstick with a tissue)

3)  Now lightly dust your powder over the lips to set the color and add your final coat of lipstick.

4)  The last step which is optional, apply lipgloss. 

There are many brands of lipsticks, not to mention brands that contains shades of red but I'm going to give my suggestions of some anyway [=

WetnWild's Silk Finish lipstick is very affordable (99 cents) and a good way to try out this bold look.  It's very moisturizing and glides on very easily; contains vitamins A, E, & aloe vera.  I have 2 of their lipsticks, the red one is 519A Hot Red.

Loreal Infallible Never Fail Lipcolour Stars Collection in Beyonce's Red is a beautiful true red color.  I've seen great video reviews on it a and wanna buy it myself but just haven't yet.  It looks good on all complexions as well.  With red lipstick being so easy to smudge this is makes it wonderful !!!  It does NOT smudge or come off at all !  And if you decide to use this product you don't even need lipliner, you can put your foundation over your lips and then apply this product straight on from there, let it dry thoroughly and apply a 2nd coat to give your lips a gorgeous opaque color.  Once your lipcolor is dried all the way you can then apply the conditioning lip balm.

Rimmel London Moisture Renew in Red Alert is another red lipstick that I have.  I've only worn it once but i looovve their lipsticks I have three or four of the Moisture Renew lipsticks by Rimmel and they're great.  Really moisturizing and contains SPF 18, a HUGE plus.  It also has collagen, vitamins A, C, and E.   

And my last but definitely not least suggestion to check out would be the Maybelline Color Sensational Lipcolor !  They have so many shades of lipstick and they are all so pretty it'll be hard for you to choose.  They have shades in four color families : pinks, plums, reds, and naturals.  The lipsticks contain honey nector as well which will help give your lips delicious moisture (8 Also if you visit the Maybelline website you can visit their "Color Sensational Shade Finder" & it will help you find the right shade or shades that match your complexion and personality !  I think it works very well.  This is one more lipstick I have yet to go out and get but I have looked at there colors a few times and absolutely lovve them.  They're so many that you'll find that will surprisingly suit you.  You won't be able to resist trying it out & I absolutely cannot wait to myself !

Now we'll talk about the use of red lips in your overall look.  When you do a red lip, you want to keep everything else on the face very minimal.  Don't over do it !  Red lips are going to draw attention to your lips so you want to keep your blush and eye makeup simple.  Apply a natural shade of blush just to give a very soft healthy glow to your cheeks but you don't want it to show too much.  When it comes to the eyes it varies to what kind of look you're trying to achieve and the occasion.  Is the look for night or day ?  Are you going out anywhere special or just running some errands ?  etc, all of this can help you decide what you want to do.  To keep it simple just apply a flesh tone eyeshadow to the eyes such as a shimmery cream or tan color (obviously depending on what your skincolor is).  And to add some depth to the eyes you can add a color a little darker on the crease and outer corner; then apply some mascara and you're good to go !  Be sure to blend it well !  Remember: the attention is already on your lips so keep your eyes subtle. 
If it is a night time look you are trying to achieve you can do a neutral smokey eye for a more dramatic look.  Using neutral colors such as grays and browns will help keep it dramatic enough to make the impression you're looking for without going over the top and looking like a clown.  And depending on your "style" you can also add a hint of gold or silver as well.

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Sorry the post is so long winded lol but I truly hoped you all enjoyed it and it helped you !! 

Coming up this week I will actually do a couple of looks with red lipstick to give you a visual, do some swatches/reviews of lipsticks I own, and talk about coming up trends for this fall. 

God bless until next time, (:

the island dreamer

What a fantastical day

Today was a good day !  I gave myself a mini facial treatment real quick & did my makeup really quick (pics to come & I will include instructions/tips to achieve the facial/look, very simple).  

Me, my daughter, and my mother in law went to herr mom's house for most of the afternoon just spending time together and such.  We all had quite a few good laughs at my big bebee lol.  She tried on a couple of big ma's church hats and she was loving every second of it !  We watched Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls, talk about an old movie !!!  I remember watching that when I was like in elementary school.  Hahaha

Anyway after that we went to grama's house because she needed to shower after the gardening before going out to Red Lobster (yuum).  Meanwhile, I created a skype acct & skyped my twinny; we had an hour long conversation about the randomosities of both our lives and i applied for a job @ macy's while i was at it too haha hope ill get it !!!!! /= i gotta pray on it that the Lord will Bless me [=  Getting this job is really what I neeed lol it'll be my enabler for sure !  My key to getting back to college so I can pursue my education is definitely a job, one that I can stick with long term.  

(3 Then it was dinner time.  My adorrable little rascal was being a "hyper butt" most of the time haha but it was so entertaining.  i love her <3

it's now 3:01 AM & i gotta change my 5 week old neice's diaper before i continue blogging (:

Being vulnerable doesn't have to be threatening. Just have the courage to be sincere, open and honest. This opens the door to deeper communication all around. It creates self-empowerment and the kind of connections with others we all want in life. Speaking from the heart frees us from the secrets that burden us. These secrets are what make us sick or fearful. Speaking truth helps you get clarity on your real heart directives.

-- Sara Paddison