Progressions of a Daydreamer

My blog is about my growth toward success and my attempts to achieve my dreams ! My ultimate career aspirations are to become a makeup artist and a registered nurse; yes both (: It’ll contain everything from the subject of beauty to just random thoughts in my life as well as life in general. I believe that every girl and woman is beautiful in their own ways & there are always some way to enhance that beauty.

"Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now." - Goethe.

“In life, many thoughts are born in the course of a moment, an hour, a day. Some are dreams, some visions. Often, we are unable to distinguish between them. To some, they are the same; however, not all dreams are visions. Much energy is lost in fanciful dreams that never bear fruit. But visions are messages from the Great Spirit, each for a different purpose in life. Consequently, one person's vision may not be that of another. To have a vision, one must be prepared to receive it, and when it comes, to accept it. Thus when these inner urges become reality, only then can visions be fulfilled. The spiritual side of life knows everyone's heart and who to trust. How could a vision ever be given to someone to harbor if that person could not be trusted to carry it out. The message is simple: commitment precedes vision.”

- High Eagle

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Weddings reminds me of fairy tale endings and new beginnings ♥

Hello All !

Sorry it's been a couple days, I've been a little busy running errands and preparing for the weekend !  Today I went to a wedding and it was so great lol.  Weddings are so beautiful, it never fails to bring a smile to my face and make my eyes water (:

Lol, if you haven't figured out I'm a bit emotional.  When I was younger I was in love with the idea of being in love !  Weddings kind of just bring that out of me.  I am already in love so it just makes me think of when my special day will be !  

Makes me think of fairy tales and new beginnings.  The wedding was two family friend's and it was great.  The reception was so funny and the two of them looked so happy and cute together.

The reception was so funny and entertaining.  My cheeks were hurting from all the smiling i did !!  

How was you all's weekend ?  I hope everyone had a great one (8 

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