Progressions of a Daydreamer

My blog is about my growth toward success and my attempts to achieve my dreams ! My ultimate career aspirations are to become a makeup artist and a registered nurse; yes both (: It’ll contain everything from the subject of beauty to just random thoughts in my life as well as life in general. I believe that every girl and woman is beautiful in their own ways & there are always some way to enhance that beauty.

"Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now." - Goethe.

“In life, many thoughts are born in the course of a moment, an hour, a day. Some are dreams, some visions. Often, we are unable to distinguish between them. To some, they are the same; however, not all dreams are visions. Much energy is lost in fanciful dreams that never bear fruit. But visions are messages from the Great Spirit, each for a different purpose in life. Consequently, one person's vision may not be that of another. To have a vision, one must be prepared to receive it, and when it comes, to accept it. Thus when these inner urges become reality, only then can visions be fulfilled. The spiritual side of life knows everyone's heart and who to trust. How could a vision ever be given to someone to harbor if that person could not be trusted to carry it out. The message is simple: commitment precedes vision.”

- High Eagle

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Face Shapes: Contouring, Eyebrows, and Enhancing Your Beauty

Helllo everyone !

Today I am going to discuss face shape features and how you want to use makeup to complement that face shape.  Knowing your face shape can come in handy whether you're trying to find a new hairstyle, contouring your face, or want to have eyebrows that complement your face shape; all of this will enhance your beauty !  There are certain hairstyles, types of bangs, and eyebrow shapes that will not complement certain face shapes so you would wanna stay away from those.  Back to makeup though, not everyone contours their face; contouring is completely optional and a matter of personal preference !

To find your face shape pull your hair back into a ponytail or use a headband.  Grab an eye/lip/brow pencil, dry erase marker, old lipstick, or bar of soap.  Look into the mirror and close one eye to focus better and get a more precise line.  Trace around the image of face on the mirror.

Now I will talk about attributes of each face shape in order for you to analyze your outline on the mirror and characteristics in your actual face as well.  Doing this will give you a better idea of which face shape you have. 

Most people will fit into one of the major categories which include:

Oval Face – If you measure, the length will be equal to one and a half times width; with forehead and jaw at the same width.  Forehead is wider than the chin, prominent cheekbones, and the face gracefully tapers to a narrow oval chin.  An oval face may change according to weight gain or loss and age.  It is common for people who have a classic oval face to have small features.  The oval face shape is similar to that of an egg.  The oval face shape is considered to be the ideal. A shape that is perfectly symmetric with broader cheeks that taper in at the forehead and chin describes the oval face.  Your face can support most makeup trends and needs no contouring.  With the use of dark and light correctors every facial shape can be made to resemble an oval facial shape. Oval faces can need darker foundation applied at the forehead and chin to make it less severely oval.

Round Face - If you have a round face your face will be circular and as wide as it is long.  This may vary a little where your face is not quite as wide as it is long, but within ¼ to ½ inches.  The round face shape is fuller and more youthful.  The distance from the forehead to the chin tends to be short, while being wider from cheek to cheek. A round face has full cheeks and a rounded chin.  To enhance the appearance of a round face, you can use some basic contouring.  Round faces need only a little darker foundation applied at the temples and around the cheeks and jaw. This will make it appear a little more elongated.  Blend, blend, blend!!

Long/Rectangular/Oblong - Face is longer than it is wide with a long straight cheek line.  Most women with a long face know they have it.  They learned early on that they could not wear their hair long and straight without looking stretched out.  The long face is characterized by high cheek bones, a raised forehead and distinct jaw line.  In order to shorten this striking face shape, all it takes is a little of bronzer on the chin. You can also apply extra blush on the apples of the cheeks to bring out the distinctive cheek bones. 

Heart/Inverted Triangle - Narrow at jaw line, wide at forehead and cheekbones.  The heart shaped face is wider at the forehead then narrows gradually to a slightly pointed or rounded chin.  To soften the lower half of the face, you will highlight the chin, forehead and under the eyes, while also darkening the temples and cheeks.  Similar to the oval face shape but the chin tapers to more of a point.

Square - If you have a square shaped face your forehead, jaw line and cheekbones are almost equal in width.  It is also characterized by a strong and broad forehead with squared jawline.  The main difference between a round face and square is usually seen at the jaw line.  When looking at the shape on your mirror, see if the corners are sharper rather than round.  Also, a square face has the same width from the edges of the forehead, across the cheeks, and from jaw to jaw.  To soften the square face you can highlight the center of the forehead, under the eyes, and the very tip of the chin.  Then, darken the hairline by the temples and the chiseled corners of the jaw. Finish the look with blush on the apples of the cheeks.  By correcting this face shape with darker foundation at the four corners, this redefines the corners into more of a curve, giving it a whole new dimension.

Pear/Triangle - Wide chin with a narrow forehead.  Forehead and cheekbones are narrow with a wide jawline.  The triangular face needs darker foundation at the chin, making it appear shorter.  Using light foundation along the jawline will give it more balance and depth.  This facial shape requires refining the lower part of the face with a darker corrector while also using a light corrector at the temple, bringing the focus towards the middle of the face. This will bring the face in, making it narrower and longer.

          Diamond – Characterized by narrow forehead and jawline with wide and high cheekbones.  Not as common as the other face shapes, typically the face is highly angular; the forehead is somewhat short and the face is widest at the temples.  Apply darker shade of foundation/bronzer on either side of forehead, apply lighter shade of foundation/highlighter at either side of jawline, apply blush on the apples of your cheeks blending away toward the center of the ear.

Balancing Your Features Face shape makeup tips also include your facial features. If you've got a feature you're not too fond of, like your nose or chin, playing with light and dark correctors can help you adjust how they look.

  • Double Chin: Blend a darker foundation right on the double chin.
  • Prominent Chin: Correct this by applying a little darker foundation right on the tip of your chin, and blend well.
  • Long Nose: Think your nose is too long? Apply dark foundation right on the tip and blend well to make it appear shorter.
  • Broad Nose: Broad noses are easily adjusted with dark foundation applied down each side of the nose.
  • Short Nose: Short noses need a light application of light foundation along the whole top of the nose. This will give it a less defined edge and help it to appear less short.
  • Narrow Nose: Widen a narrow nose by applying a light foundation down each side of the nose.
  • Crooked Nose: A crooked nose is the hardest. Apply dark foundation on the crooked side to minimize it, and then apply light foundation on the opposite side.
  • These tips will help you achieve a balance to your features.  Face shape makeup tips are some of the most useful tips you can have.  With them you can look your very best while still looking like you.

Eyebrow Shapes  Eyebrow shapes can also play a role in balancing your face shape. 

  • Oval face shapes: soft angeled brows
  • Round face shapes: higher arched brows will add length to the face
  • Oblong: a flat brow shape will create a horizontal look, stopping the eye from looking up and down the face ; making your face appear shorter.
  • Square: a thicker/darkened, more angular brow shape is good for square face shapes because it creates a strong brow.  This will balance the strong feature of a very defined jawline that is prominent in a square shaped face.
  • Heart: to enhance the heart shape of your face and give a feminine and attractive look to your face, use a softly arched or rounded brow for your face shape.  If you have a short heart shaped face the best choice for you would be high arched round eyebrows to add the illusion of length.
  • Diamond: to soften the angles in a diamond shaped face go with a curved or round eyebrow.  This will also make the widest portion of your face look slightly narrower.

* To make sure I gave correct information, I did have to do some research so this whole post is not entirely in my own words.  The resources I used are as follows:

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